Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Homework will begin coming home next week. Mrs. Milot and I are aligned with our philosophy with homework. We feel that we have high expectations and work loads during the day and do not want to overload students (or parents) with homework. We feel that homework teaches responsibility and provides adequate review when necessary. One assignment per week, consisting of Math and Language Arts will sent home on Tuesdays and is due back on Thursdays. Should a student need more review during the week, contact will be made with the parent explaining expectations. 
Look for our first assignment next Tuesday. Thank you!

Starting our Morning with Lantern Time

We want to emphasize that our day immediately begins at 7:30 with Lantern Time (Math intervention/enrichment). Students may be with other Fourth Grade teachers during this time or in the computer lab. We appreciate the extra effort to have your child here on time so he/she may have time to unpack and go to appropriate classroom on time. This helps everyone start the day well! :) 

Curriculum Night Tonight!

We hope to see you here at 7:00 PM.
You may also order your FIRST EVER 4th GRADE T-SHIRT ($7) . Yahoo! 

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