Look at the number line below. The green fractions (1/2) are shown by the whole (1) being broken into two pieces, the purple (1/4) is shown by the whole being broken into four pieces and the red (1/8) is shown by the whole being broken into eight pieces.
Homework will have your kiddo looking at number lines and determining the fraction based upon how many pieces each whole is broken into. They will also be practicing counting by quarters to help cement their knowledge of this benchmark fraction.
We will begin a project starting next week where kiddos will create a math board game. There has been wonderful success with this in past years, especially when parents point out the importance of producing work that the students are proud of. Your kiddo will work in partners and be given four class periods to complete the assignment. They will draw on Monday to determine what concept their math game will cover. Most supplies (construction paper, glue, tape, etc.) will be provided, but some students may want to furnish other supplies from home to the game. Games will be due on Monday, June 1. I think your kids will really enjoy doing this project, but may need some parental assistance to get their thoughts and supplies organized. The project guidelines are listed below.
Project guidelines:
- Game must revolve around the math concept given.
- Game must include directions and all needed supplies.
- Game must be neat
- Game must be playable; students will “test” their game before the final due date to work out any issues.
- Game must be turned in by Monday, June 1st.
- Students will write critiques of other students’ games, using constructive criticism.
Here are some examples of previous years projects:
Please let me know if you have any questions!
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