Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Countdown is On!

There is a chill in the air and a twinkle in our eye! I can cannot believe our next holiday is just around the corner, as we just celebrated Thanksgiving. As I counted my blessings over the break, I especially counted my kiddos and you! Thank you for making my just so enjoyable by raising fantastic children. Each bring their uniqueness to the classroom and make me smile. In fact, today I wore my new "sparkle" sweater and was told I was beautiful, stylish, and...oh yeah...that I look like a disco ball. LOL Gotta love 'em! 

The Cox Santa Shop opens next week and we are excited. I have scheduled our classes (both my homeroom and Mrs. M's homeroom) to visit on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9th at 11:15. Please look over the info in the Coyote folder to see lists, opportunities to visit, and payment options. Students are able to bring money on Tuesday to shop. Items will be wrapped and taken home that same day. Thank you for your support!

Our Wax Museum 

One of the highlights of Fourth Grade Language Arts is the Wax Museum and believe me, they are chomping at the bit to begin this project! This week began our journey into the genre of biography/autobiography. As we learn about many significant and influential figures in the upcoming weeks, students will choose one person to research and introduce to us at the wax museum. More details will follow for sure and more specific instructions will be sent home and posted as we move through this unit. For now, the timeline is as follows:

- Friday, Dec. 5th- Each student will make a final choice on the person each would like to research.
-Monday, Dec 8- Friday, Dec. 12- Students will conduct research in the classroom during Language Arts block and prepare our speech. 
-Friday, Dec 12- A Home Project will be assigned and due on Friday, December 19.
-Monday, Dec. 15- Thursday, Dec 18- Students will be perfecting their speech in class and completing their home project, obviously, at home.
-Friday, Dec. 19- Wax Museum- Parents are invited to join us at 8:00am to tour the 4th grade classrooms and learn from our research. Please mark your calendars!
*Class parties will also be held on this day, as it is the last day before the holiday break. 
We can't wait!

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