We are fully into our unit on long division. We are learning a couple of methods, but our main focus is on the big seven method. Here is a link that will walk you through the big seven method:
Below is the image that we use to describe big seven including a way to check your answer.
Big seven keeps place value in division and allows kiddos to solve division problems when they don't have a great grasp of multiplication facts. This makes long division seem easier for the kiddos!
We have also looked at division using standard method and distributive property. You are all familiar with the standard method, but it can sometimes make division difficult because of the removal of place value. Both of these methods rely heavily on know basic facts. Here are some examples below:
As you know, I do not have one way that I require kiddos to solve problems. I want them to do the method that works the best FOR THEM. So far, big seven is the preferred method in class. Have your kiddo show you what method they like the best!
***This week's homework will have them coming home and explaining the big seven method to you. It will be due on Monday, November 3.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this. I am more than willing to help in any way that I can!
2014 Gubernatorial Election
We will be participating in the 2014 Gubernatorial Mock Election this coming week! This is a student mock election conducted by the state. We will vote on Tuesday and report our totals to the Secretary of State. Discuss with you kiddo the impact of voting and how some of the issues the candidates address can impact them. This will be fun!
Red Ribbon Week
This coming week is red ribbon week. Don't forget the fun ways planned each day to remind kiddos to say NO to drugs.
Monday- Wear RED! As much as you can...
Tuesday- "Sock it to Drugs"- Wear colorful, crazy socks
Wednesday- "Put a lid on drugs"- Wear your favorite hat
Thursday- "An education is a terrible thing to waste"- College t-shirt
Friday- "Have the power to say no to drugs"- Superhero day
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Ms. Christian and I really appreciated and enjoyed meeting with you all this past week. We are blessed to have some amazing kiddos and parents!!! If we weren't able to meet with you and you would still like to meet, please email me and we can work something out.
Thank you for your support and sharing your wonderful children with us!
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