Monday, June 2, 2014

Our Last Week

We can't believe that we have come to the end of our year! Thank you for all of your support! We are extremely proud of each student and the growth we have seen in them. Please be sure to keep reading over the summer and continue to find math in everyday situations. Remember, both iStation and Think Through Math are available this summer. Please contact us if you need student login and password. Be safe and please keep in touch. We would love to hear of future successes!

Wednesday- Talent Show- 1:15PM


Friday- Last Day

Graduation Ceremony- 8:15 (cafeteria)

Classroom Awards- Immediately following ceremony

Mrs. C and Mrs. M will host these awards together in Mrs. Milot's room.

PACK at 10:20- 10:50

Lunch- 11:00-11:30

Grade Level Neon Dance Party- 11:30- 12:30