Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Parents, we need your help! Even if you feel that you are not creative, please don't let that stop you. If you can cut or hang paper, you are perfect!

Each year, the Fourth Grade teachers host "Camp Write Along" two weeks before the STAAR Writing Test.  (Test is on April 1 and 2). We use this time to creatively review skills that will be seen and prepare for greatness.
The kids absolutely love it, yet much is needed to get ready for this event. We plan to start camp when we return from Spring Break.

First, we decorate the entire Fourth Grade hall as a forest/campground. Butcher paper from the workroom is used for grass, sky, trees, tents, campfires, etc.
**Please consider lending a hand to create this magical scene and be here Thursday, March 6th at 10:00. The more parents that show up, the quicker and easier it goes up.Thank you SO MUCH for your support!

Second, we love to serve s'mores and trail mix at a couple of the stations.
***We will need donations for the following:
M & Ms- plain
Chex Cereal
Cheeze Itz
Teddy Grahams
mini marshmallows
large marshmallows
Boxes of graham crackers
Hershey Bars- mini or regular size

Please consider providing a few items, if able. The kids absolutely LOVE it and the teachers cannot handle these expenses for 46 kiddos. We are hoping to be able to carry out this experience with all desired supplies to enhance the learning environment! Thank you very much!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Carnival Auction Basket Challenge

The 2014 Silent Auction Kick-off Challenge begins tomorrow, February 13th!!
Each year at carnival, a silent auction is held to raise money for the school.  Each class partners with another class to create a themed auction basket. Students in the class bring in items to fill the basket.  The class that receives the most money for their basket at auction will receive a Sonic drink party!  Students have until March 18th to turn in items.  Additional information regarding the auction baskets along with ideas for items to bring can be found in students’ Thursday envelopes. 

Our classes have been partnered to fill a BBQ basket. Please consider contributing to our BBQ basket!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentine Party

Our Valentine Party will be held on Friday, February 14th at 1:30. Thank you to PTA for always helping us celebrate!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Love is in the Air...

Can you believe February is upon us? This year is flying by!
**Please know that we have received a refund from the Dallas Children's Museum since weather prohibited us from attending in December. We are applying that money to our next field trip in May and will ask for a lesser amount to make up the difference. Thank you for your support!

Mark your calendars:
-Breakfast with Dad  Wednesday, Feb. 7th at 7:00AM

Class Needs:
-snacks (Goldfish, pretzels, Chex snack, Cheez-Its, etc)
-Lysol spray to prohibit flu and other illness in our room
-Disinfecting wipes