Happy (early) Thanksgiving!
While you are traveling (or just lounging around the house J) this break please
have your kiddo study for their Social Studies test that will be on the Tuesday
we get back. They brought home the study guide today. I have emailed it to you as well for those study guides that have “wondered off.”
The more they know this material, the better they will do! This test will end our unit on Colonization and guide us to our unit on the Revolution in the coming weeks.
In science, we are continuing our study of soil when we return.
One of the experiments we will do involves a need for knee-high nylon hose. We
will use this item in our exploration of soils capacity to retain water. In
order to do this experiment I will need 16 pairs of knee-high nylon hose. I would
like to do this experiment on Thursday. If you happen upon some inexpensive
nylon hose in the next week or so, please contribute to our exploration.
When we return, math will have us begin our studies of combinations. This is a fun concept and can easily be applied to everyday life. How many different combinations of Thanksgiving food can you create on your plate?
Thank you for all of your support. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe holiday!
Mrs. Milot