We enjoyed meeting you!
Thank you for making the trip to Cox for Meet the Teacher. It was fun to meet the kids and see their excitement! We will be updating this blog weekly and as needed, so please tag this link on your favorites for it to be accessed easily.
As you are aware, this will be the first time that fourth grade is departmentalizing. Since the students will be switching classes, we want to do everything we can to make it easy on everyone involved, including you. We know that several families decided to order prepackaged supplies and others bought from a store in the community. Either is fine, however, lists were made before the decision to departmentalize was final. This said, we have decided to use community supplies in each room so that the students are not having to lug everything back and forth. We understand that you may have purchased a "special" supply item and want to honor that as best we can, but you may want to choose to take the special item home and we can replace it if need be. Please know that any confusions are unintentional and we thank you for your support in advance.
Our Daily Schedule
7:30- 8:00 Math Lantern Lab (enrichment and tutorial)
8:00-9:00 Language Arts (Milot's homeroom)
Math (Christian's homeroom)
9:00-10:00 Writing/ Social Studies (Milot's homeroom)
Science (Christian's homeroom)
10:00- 11:00 PACK
11:00- 12:00 Language Arts (Christian's homeroom)
Math (Milot's homeroom)
12:00-12:30 Recess
12:30-1:00 Lunch
1:00- 1:30 Language Arts Lantern Lab
1:30-2:30 Writing/ Social Studies (Christian's homeroom)
Science (Milot's homeroom)
Class Needs
Many of you asked about class needs while visiting. We need all the help we can get! LOL
Our most important needs (other than sleep :) are the following:
-Volunteers to stuff Thursday folders- time is negotiable
-black and white Composition books (wide ruled) We use many of these through the year.
-Snacks to stock our pantry for the kids (pretzels, goldfish, teddy grahams, animal crackers, etc)
*No peanut items due to allergies, or messy items since it is a "working snack."
Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! Get ready for a wonderful year!
Until next post,
Mrs. M and Mrs. C